Being a leader is knowing that people are watching!

Being a leader is knowing that people are watching!

Being a leader is knowing that people are watching you. Results a leader get from the people depend on the habits he exhibits to people. The curriculum vitae of a good leader is continuous improvement and not static.

A good leader instils in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.

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Theodore M. Hesburgh in one of his quotes said: “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet”.

Bill Carney also in his quote said, “leaders who don’t listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say”.

So, just as positive habits create strong leaders, bad habits can and will create weak leaders.

Seven habits to be mindful of

If you’re practising even one of them, start working immediately to replace it with a positive habit before your leadership weakens and suffers major damage.

  • Consistency between word and deed is a major factor in successful leadership, and part of being a leader is knowing that people are watching you at every step and taking their cues from your behaviour.
  • Don’t be a leader who believes if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. This shortsightedness causes others to similarly focus on tasks instead of the visioning and strategic planning that will move the organization and its mission forward.
  • It’s impossible to be a strong leader with poor communication skills. If you can’t communicate, you can’t connect with others—much less provide engagement and transparency.
  • If you hold yourself inaccessible and unavailable, sitting in your office with the door closed, you send a clear message to others that you’re unwilling to engage.
  •  It’s an ineffective leader who keeps their people playing small without investing in them, whether it’s through neglect or because they see others as a threat.
  • Leaders who resist change and improvement are arrogant or complacent—and sometimes both. They believe things are fine as they are and aren’t interested in moving to the next level or positioning for the future.
  • The best leaders know how to energize people and inspire them to reach higher levels of performance and potential. Those who can’t are probably uninspired themselves, and it’s virtually impossible to build a great team with an uninspired leader.
  • A single bad habit, left unchecked, can be enough for your leadership to weaken and fail.

NOTE: A single bad habit, left unchecked, can be enough for your leadership to weaken and fail.



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