The smartest and the wise wins the race, no matter how difficult a situation is in life. When he faces any challenge, he is never afraid to take steps. He only focuses on his ability to win and refuses to look at his shortcomings. He doesn’t seek for sympathy of others but believes he can, no matter the obstacle.
The story below shows that nothing is able to stop you if you believe in yourself and you are smart enough to be wise!
Enjoy and learn.
The story
Two ways to count to ten (Liberian folktale)
Long ago in the land of animals, there were tribes of animals that lived together in harmony. All the animas could talk, and there was a king who ruled over them. The king had a very beautiful daughter, the leopard princess. All the animals obeyed the king.
One day, King leopard said, “Who will rule the animal kingdom when I am gone? I must find someone who is wise and compassionate. He will also marry my pretty daughter, the leopard princess.”
After king leopard made his announcement, he had a great feast. Everyone danced and ate. After the dancing and eating, the guests gathered in a circle. King Leopard told them” To become the prince and to marry my daughter, the smartest beast must throw a spear into the air and count to ten before it falls.”
Everyone whispered. “Oh, who will be prince?’
Many beasts in the jungle wanted to throw the spear to become prince and to marry king leopard’s pretty daughter. The first to throw the kings spear was the elephant. The elephant was the biggest and strongest beast in the jungle.
“I will throw the king’s spear the highest and count to ten before it lands,” the elephant shouted. “One, two, three,” before the kings spear landed on the ground. The elephant was very embarrassed. He had lost the contest.
The next beast to throw the spear was the water ox. “I will throw the kings spear higher than ten mango trees!” he shouted. The water ox threw the spear with his horns and quickly counted, “one, two, three, four.” But then the king’s spear landed with a thump. The ox had lost the contest, too
Then it was the chimpanzees turn, with his long arms he threw the spear. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven” he shouted. But the spear landed in the king’s vegetable garden. The chimpanzee lost the contest. The villagers began to whisper. “Who will marry the king’s daughter?”
Then out of the bush came a beast no one had seen before. It was the antelope, with large eyes and slender legs. “He is not strong enough to throw the spear,” said the villagers.
“I will throw the spear,” the antelope said with courage to the king.
The antelope walked lightly and was very graceful. With very little effort, he threw the king’s spear high into the sky and called out two words. “Five, ten!”

“I have counted to ten, “said enough to be prince. After three days of dancing and feasting, King Leopard announced. “Antelope is the new prince.” And all the beasts shouted for joy.
Everyone in the land was happy because they realized that it is not always the biggest or strongest, but the smartest one who win the prizethe antelope proudly.
The king nodded his head and said “Yes you have counted to ten. I did not say how you must count to ten.”
The king then told the antelope, “You will be the prince and will marry my daughter.” The other animals felt sad that they were not smart