Somalia: A Safari of Stories and Smiles!


Somalia! A Safari of Stories and SmilesHey there, young explorers! Get ready to embark on a journey to a land full of wonders and adventures.

From the golden sands to the sparkling seas, Somalia is a place where stories come alive and smiles bloom like flowers. So, put on your explorer hats, and let’s dive into the magic of Somalia!

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Where in the World is Somalia?

Somalia is a country located in Eastern Africa, and it’s like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Imagine a map with the Indian Ocean hugging Somalia’s coastline in a cozy embrace.

Colors of the Land:

Close your eyes and imagine a world of colors. Somalia has deserts that are as orange as a lion’s mane, and valleys so green that they look like a patchwork quilt. The blue waters of the Indian Ocean are home to fish that shimmer like rainbows!

Wildlife Wonders:

Meet the famous Somali giraffe, a tall and elegant creature with a unique pattern of spots. And guess who else loves to roam these lands? Elephants, lions, and cheetahs! They’re like characters from a real-life animal adventure story.

People and Traditions:

The people of Somalia have stories to tell and dances to share. They love to gather around and celebrate with music and colorful dances. You’ll hear songs that tell tales of their ancestors and their vibrant culture.

Somali culture places great emphasis on oral traditions. Storytelling, poetry, and music have been central to transmitting knowledge, history, and values across generations. Traditional poetry, known as “qaraami” or “heello,” is highly regarded, often addressing themes of love, honor, and social issues. Music plays a significant role, with traditional instruments like the oud and drum being used to create melodious tunes that accompany dances

Amazing Adventures:

Want to hear about the ancient cities that hide secrets from long ago? Mogadishu, the capital city, has buildings that have stood for centuries! And if you’re feeling brave, you can venture into the desert and imagine you’re a desert explorer on a quest for hidden treasures.

Delicious Discoveries:

Bariss & Hilib (rice and meat)

Hungry? Somali food will tickle your taste buds! Savor the flavors of chapati, a flatbread that’s both soft and yummy. And don’t forget about the mouthwatering rice dishes and juicy fruits that are waiting for you.

spiced tea with milk is served most often during the Somali afternoon tea tradition known as casariya.

Somali cuisine reflects the country’s nomadic past and coastal location. Staple foods include rice, pasta, and various types of flatbreads like “injera” and “canjeero.” Meat, particularly goat and camel, is a common protein source. Dishes like “suqaar” (spiced meat), “bariis iskukaris” (rice with spices), and “xalwo” (a sweet dessert) are enjoyed. Somali tea, often infused with spices and sometimes accompanied by popcorn, is a popular social beverage.

Festivals and Fun:

Somali festivals are like big parties with lots of laughter and joy. During Eid al-Fitr, families dress up in colorful clothes, share tasty treats, and exchange gifts. It’s a time of happiness and togetherness!


The flag of Somalia consists of a light blue field with a large white five-pointed star in the center. The blue color represents the sky and the Indian Ocean, while the white star symbolizes unity and independence. It’s a simple, yet powerful emblem of the country’s aspirations and identity.


Somali society places a strong emphasis on communal values, extended family ties, and respect for elders. Hospitality is a cornerstone of Somali culture, and guests are treated with warmth and generosity. Despite the challenges brought about by conflict and displacement, resilience and a sense of identity remain important values for the Somali people. Traditional values are often blended with Islamic beliefs, which hold significant influence over many aspects of daily life.


Exploring Somalia is like opening a magical storybook full of colors, smiles, and exciting adventures. From the wild animals to the tasty foods and the warm-hearted people, Somalia is a place where learning and laughter go hand in hand. So, are you ready to create your own Somali adventure? Let your curiosity guide you, and who knows what incredible discoveries you’ll make!


Official Name:     Somalia

Long form: Somali Republic

ISO Country Code: so

Country Calling Code: +252

Capital City: Mogadishu

Other Cities: Baidoa, Beledweyne, Berbera, Bosasso, Gaalkayo, Hargeisa, Jowhar, Kismayo, Merca.


Transitional government, known as the Transitional Federal Government, established in October 2004 with a five-year mandate.


President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud
President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Independence: July 1, 1960 (from a merger between the former Somaliland Protectorate under British rule, and Italian Somaliland, to form the Somali Republic).

Location: Horn of Africa, Eastern Africa, bordering the Gulf of Aden on the north, and the Indian Ocean on the east, east of Ethiopia and Kenya.

Area: 637,657 km² (246,200 sq mi)

Terrain: Mostly flat savanna and semidesert, to undulating plateau rising to hills in the north.

Climate: Principally desert; hot and dry in the interior and hot and humid in coastal areas.

Two rainy seasons, from April to June and from October to December, each is followed by a dry season, very hot in the south with irregular rainfall in the coastal zone.

Nationality: Somali(s)

Population: 18,143,378 according to Worldometer report 2023.

Ethnic groups: Somali, with a small non-Somali minority (mostly Bantu and Arabs).

Religion: 99.9% Muslim.

Languages: Somali (official), Arabic, Italian, English.

Literacy: total population that can read and write, 38%

Natural resources: Uranium and largely unexploited reserves of iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt, natural gas, likely oil reserves.

Agriculture products: Bananas, sorghum, corn, coconuts, rice, sugarcane, mangoes, sesame seeds, beans; cattle, sheep, goats; fish.

Industries: a few light industries, including sugar refining, textiles, wireless communication.

Exports – commodities: livestock, bananas, hides, fish, charcoal, scrap metal

Exports partners: UAE 45.8%, Yemen 19.7%, Oman 15.9% (2015)

Imports – commodities: manufactures, petroleum products, foodstuffs, construction materials, qat

Imports – partners: Djibouti 18.7%, India 16.5%, China 11.8%, Oman 8.7%, Kenya 6.1%, Pakistan 4.4% (2015)


Somali Shilling (SOS)


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