ABC’s of Christmas you need to know

ABC's of Christmas

The ABC’s of Christmas is important for you to know. It is about every word that is associated with the season. The Christmas season is a special time of year for many people in the world especially the Christians.

It is such a time many families come together to celebrate the good news as the angel that came to Mary, the mother of Jesus said, the birth of Jesus Christ is “good news.”  In fact, the angel said the news of Jesus’ birth would cause “great joy” and would be “for all the people”. Today, the joyful celebration is universal.

Why children should be shown how to love this Christmas?

To all our Africa kids who are Christians, it is time to show the love of Jesus Christ to the less privileged children out there. Those materials in the house that filled your wardrobes or kept at every corner for more than one year without you touching them belong to others who are in need of them. Remind your parents about them that you need to take them to the less privileged. Don’t eat all your goodies packs alone. Show love to your friends to show them that truly, this is the season of LOVE!

Enjoy your week as you plan to be examples of what the season means to the world-“Good news, LOVE”

Here is the ABC’s of Christmas for you !


A is for Angels

ABC's of Christmas you need to know

With halos so bright

Whose carols were heard

On that first Christmas Night


B is for Bells

ABC's of Christmas you need to know

So merrily ringing

Joy to the world

Is the message they’re bringing


C is for Candles

ABC's of Christmas you need to know

That so brightly shine

To give a warm welcome

To your friends and mine


D is for Doorway

ABC's of Christmas you need to know

With garlands of green

To make Christmas merry

As far as they’re seen


E is for Evergreens

With fragrance so rare

So plentiful at Christmas

Their scent fills the air


F is for Fun

Christmas fun

The whole season long

From trimming the tree

To singing a song


G is for Greetings

Christmas, season of love

A merry “hello”

With a heart full of love

For people we know


H is for Holly

Christmas wreath

With berries so red

To make into wreaths

To hang overhead


I is for Ice

Snow covered hills at Christmas

On snow covered hills

Where sledding is fun

Along with the spills


J is for Jesus

Christmas baby on the manger

The Christ child so dear

We honor his birth

On Christmas each year


K is for Kris Kringle

Christmas Santa Claus

So merrily he stands

He is who they call Santa

In so many lands


L is for Lanterns

Christmas Lantern

I am sure that their light

Helped Mary and Joseph

That first Christmas Night


M is for Mary

Mary cuddles her baby- Christ

Her heart full of love

For her little son Jesus

Who came from above


N is for Noel

Angels singing at Christmas

The angels did sing

To herald the birth

of Jesus, our King


O is for Ornaments

Christmas ornaments

So shining and bright

With lights on the tree

To sparkle at night


P is for Packages

Christmas Ribbons

With ribbons so gay

All ’round the tree

For our Christmas Day


Q is for Quiet

snow on hills at Christmas

Christmas Eve Night

With snow covered hills

Glistening so bright


R is for Reindeer

Christmas Reindeer

Who pull Santa’s sleigh

To your house, to my house

They know the way


S is for Shepherds

Shepherd keeps watch their sheep at Christmas

Who first saw the star

Over Bethlehem’s manger

And followed it far


T is for Trees

Christmas Tree

We decorate so gay

Then wait for ole Santa

To hurry our way


U is for Universe

Joy to the world at Christmas

Where Christmas brings joy

To all in the world

To each girl and each boy


V is for Visiting

Fun travelling at Christmas

Friends near and far

We travel by plane

Or by bus, or by car


W is for Wise Men

Shepherd watch their sheep at Christmas

Who brought gifts so rare

And knelt down and worshiped

The child they found there


X is for X-mas

Perfumes at Christmas

Or Christmas by full name

No matter the language

It all means the same


Y is for Yule Logs

Christmas light

Whose bright sparks fly high

To give a warm welcome

To friends passing by


Z is for Zeal

Christmas is time of love, time of giving

We show at this time

In giving to others

And loving mankind.


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