It is important to know the difference between an Act and Bill, how an Act becomes Law and difference between a Decree and Edit. Knowledge they say, it is power and to attain that power to conquer your world as a child, it is important to add to your knowledge everyday.
According to information available to Kiddies Africa, a Bill is a law yet to be made. A bill is a draft of a proposed law that is presented before the legislature for deliberation and discussion. It is called a bill because it has not been passed and accented by the President. It is a proposed idea which must serve public interest that is then printed in a bill book for every delegate.
An Act is a law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Once a Bill presented to the National Assembly which comprises the Senate and the House of Representatives, when it is passed and accented by the President, it becomes an Act.

At the state level, a Bill presented to the House of Assembly becomes a law after being assented to by the Governor. It is simply known as Law made by the states.
Under the Military, a Federal law which is an Act is known as a Decree while a state Law is known as an Edict.
A Bill at the state level is proposed Law awaiting consideration. It is yet to be made law by the House of Assembly.
At the federal level, it is a proposed Act which is yet to be passed by the National Assembly.
At the federal level, we have the Child’s Rights Act, 2003 and the 24 States of the federation, which has domesticated the Act, it is known as the Child’s Rights Law.
Only a Senator or a member of the House of Representatives can introduce a Bill on the floor of the House of Representatives or the Senate. In the State, a member of the House of Assembly introduces a Bill.
A bill that originates from the House of Representative is marked ‘HB’ (House Bill) while a Bill that originates from the Senate is marked ‘SB’ (Senate Bill).