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UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, advocate for teachers’ well being

UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO and Education International have advised the government of various countries to ensure adequate care of their teachers even as the world...


THANK YOU TEACHERS Thank you for all the Hours you spend, Attention you give, Needs that you tend, Knowledge you pass on, Your special touch, Offering guidance, Undaunted by much, Time you spend...

Teachers Day: No national reconstruction possible without teachers

Teachers Day is celebrated today, 5th October, 2020. There is no national reconstruction that can be successfully possible without their active participation. They are nation...

COVID19: UNESCO warns against reduction of education budget

Jacob Adebayo UNESCO has warned government of countries across the world against reduction of education budget due to the effect of coronavirus on economy. The body...

UNESCO marks International Literacy day

Peace Itong The 8th of September was proclaimed International Literacy Day by UNESCO in 1966 to remind the international community of the importance of literacy...

Safety experts train parents on sex education ethics

Safety experts recently held  a 2-Day virtual training for parents on Parental Ethics, Patterns, Requirements and Approaches for a Successful Sex Education. The meeting organized...

Bauchi Govt. partners UNESCO on mobile learning for school children

The Bauchi State Government has collaborated with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on mobile learning among children and non-formal education in...