Mothers lament how hike in food prices affect breastfeeding?

Mothers lament how hike in food prices affect breastfeeding?

Mothers in Nigeria lamented how the continuous hike in food prices affects them even As Nigeria joins the global community to mark 2022 World Breastfeeding Week.

According to a World Health Organisation, WHO report, breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival.

READ ALSO: No excuse for a healthy mother not to breastfeed her baby

Speaking with Correspondent on Thursday, Mrs Aruchi Princewill said the importance of breastfeeding because the process benefits the baby’s health and saves the family from spending on baby food.

Mrs. Princewill  however expressed her fear that mothers are not eating balanced diets that can benefit the child. She said, “Exclusive breastfeeding is good but the challenge we have as breastfeeding mothers is not having enough to eat and the little we eat is not even a balance diet that can benefit the child because of the hike in prices of foods. If we don’t eat enough, where are we going to give enough breastmilk for the babies.

Mothers lament how hike in food prices affect breastfeeding?

“We need improved economy. As a breastfeeding mother, I am begging the government to put in more effort to improve the economy. The rising price of food is alarming. Even baby formula is very expensive today. Government should do something very fast to cushion the effect as it is affecting us as breastfeeding mothers.”

On her part, Mrs. Onuora said, “We know it is good to breastfeed our babies, but with the poor economy today, we can hardly eat twice a day, not alone eating nutritious food for our babies to get adequate nutrition from the breast milk. Mothers need to eat regularly but how do we do that when we cannot afford it?  Government should do something quickly to help us and our babies”.

Ndidi Wigo, a Public Health Officer, while admonishing nursing mothers on keeping good hygiene said, toxic environment negatively affect infants who are breastfeeding.

“Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 years and beyond, provides an infant the best start possible to life. Breast milk is safe and clean and provides the energy and nutrients an infant need for the first few months of life. It continues to provide up to half or more of a child’s nutritional needs during the second half of the first year.

Mothers lament how hike in food prices affect breastfeeding?

“Early initiation of breastfeeding, within one hour of birth, protects the newborn from infectious and chronic diseases, and reduces newborn mortality. It facilitates emotional bonding of mother and baby and has a positive impact on the duration of exclusive breastfeeding”. She added.



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