World Food Day: Spot your country’s meal

Abimbola Olu-Sholanke,

World Food Day

World Food Day is a day dedicated worldwide to promote global awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all.

With the World Food Day 2020 theme, “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together”, came up with these simple fun activities to celebrate with. Here we go!

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  1. GROW:

You can plant a seed in a small pot at home today.


World Food Day

Water your plant and watch it grow. Also, watch an adult prepare a nourishing meal for you today. Remember to make fruits and vegetables part of your meals.


Food wastage

Think of ways to avoid food and water wastage today. You can also get an adult to help give food to a hungry child. Remember that sustainability is having enough supply to meet demand.



Children thrive in an atmosphere of love, spread love and happiness at meal times today.

World Food Facts:

  • In 1979, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) designated 16 October as World Food Day.
  • Eight hundred million people around the world suffer from hunger.
  • Around the same number of people around the world suffer from obesity due to unhealthy diets.
  • In parts of the world where hunger is a big issue, life expectancy is shorter, infant mortality is higher, and productivity is lower.

Food security and food poverty are significant issues in Africa, so as Nigerian kids you should be concerned about this too. You need to understand that nourishing food is important for health, happiness and even for effective learning.

To achieve food security:

  • People must have enough money to buy food
  • The prices of the food must be affordable
  • The supply must be reliable and constant and uninterrupted. Reserves and food banks are critical.
  • The food available must be nutritious, so those who consume it can lead active, healthy lives.

 Can you spot your country’s meal as we all celebrate the World Food day?

World Food Day



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